Monday, July 28, 2008

Stuck in San Diego

My Jet Blue flight was canceled yesterday due to "weather conditions on the East Coast." Fortunately, I was able to acquire an extra night stay at The Sofia Hotel and figured, what better way to spend my time than to edit, tag, comment, and upload 75 photos to my San Diego Comic Con Flickr set!

This post is dedicated to all the amazing creators that took time to come out, sell their wares, and meet their fans. Btw, that's Berni freaking Wrightson I got to meet! Next year, look for yours truly to be on the other side of the table. ;)


SpankyStokes said...

DAMN PLANES...I hope you extra day in San Diego is a good one! Talk soon STEEEEVEEEEE! ~John

Ø$iⱤ!$ỖⱤ𝒾𝕠|\| said...

sorry to hear about your flight delay steve

love the flickr uploads from sdcc, man i wish I coulda went...maybe next year

have a safe trip home - Osiris