Monday, July 21, 2008

Sketchbot Prototype Sculpt, COMPLETED!

*whew* What a weekend. In the midst of a 5-day heat wave here in NYC, not ideal conditions for spray painting up on the roof. Spraying out the window with fans on high, then letting the pieces dry in the air conditioned interior. (This stuff won't cure in high humidity) There was simply no way I was going to be able to hand paint the eye and logo to my satisfaction, so I came up with the idea to print out to scale on inkjet sticker labels. The diameter of my button hole punch matched perfectly with the pupil of the eye. I ended up cutting out by hand the circle of the logo and the "SB" designation for the pencil. I still have to finish painting the second sculpt, but here's what I'm bringing out to San Diego! I'm currently trying to locate some display space - if anyone has a small amount available in their booth, drop me a line.

A few additional views up on Flickr.


SpankyStokes said...


Steve Talkowski said...

Thanks John! Still have plenty to get ready before heading out tomorrow. We'll touch base once I'm on the West Coast.

jerO said...

Excellent work man... you really went all-out with the mold. The stuff i've done is mondo sloppy ;)

BTW i vote for squared off rivets from a painting perspective (easy to drybrush) but then i'm not sure if that fits as well with your design.

Anonymous said...

cool stuff Steve, call me in San Diego.

Dacosta! said...

SB looks wicked! CONGRATS on a great job!!!

Steve Talkowski said...

Thanks Jerome! I'm still on the fence with the rivets. After seeing both versions painted up, I'm leaning towards the rounded ones again. ;)

Steve Talkowski said...

Thanks Mike! Good to hear you'll be in San Diego for the convention!

Dacosta, thanks much dude! :)

J6Studios said...

Wow Steve, that's looking great!!

Can't wait to see it in person!!

Anonymous said...

What do you need a sketchbot for?
You draw just fine Steve.

Ø$iⱤ!$ỖⱤ𝒾𝕠|\| said...

Awesome job steve!!! ^_^ are you going to be selling the other ones you made let me know I would love to get one ^^

oh hey did you end up going to APW on friday? I was there for a littel bit, but I didnt see ya there dont know if you came later

have fun at the con, keep in touch ^^

Steve Talkowski said...

Jester, thanks! Looking forward to seeing you and Jace at the show.

Osiris, I won't be selling these prototypes, as I'll most likely have to send these out to whomever manufactures them as reference. I was unable to attend that APW opening, as I was slammed getting this finished before traveling to SD tomorrow. How did the show turn out?

Unknown said...

Best of luck Steve! I'm sending you good thoughts!

Anonymous said...

It looks Fantastic, good luck in SD! - AB

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve, what are you using to patch up your air bubbles.? I'm making a few custom toys for, based off our little logo guy, pipSQUEEK, and I need to do some patching myself. Sketchbot is looking great!

Steve Talkowski said...

Hey Jason, I used Magic Sculpt, which works wonders. However, it takes 4 hours to dry. JESTER recommended using Bondo's Spot & Glaze Putty, which cures much quicker. I'll give that a try when I get back and finish off the remaining three protos.